Managed Security

Cloud Services is not just a whimsical trending fad that will soon go away. It is a real solution that has many facets enabling businesses everywhere to lower costs, back up their data, and increase efficiency. But with this wonderfully enabling technology comes its need for special attention to security.


Cloud Backup

Cloud Backup, also known as Remote data backup, is an excellent tool used by many enterprise and small-medium size businesses to ensure data and other electronic files are backed up on a consistent basis. Many times, due to it being classified as remote it is commonly located in some type of data center or offsite facility. Remote data backup is also known through terms like Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) or managed backup service as well.


Virtual Servers

Virtual servers allow you to save a substantial amount of money by leasing space in a data center and then using fewer servers by partitioning them. And forget about waiting endlessly for it to be set up. You can do setups and make changes in a matter of minutes, not days, or even weeks.



To keep your Business Data secure, a large majority of companies everywhere are putting their servers and networking equipment into a data center. This service is used for disaster recovery and redundancy primarily. You don’t have to purchase multiple circuits from diverse carriers. This saves you the trouble and cost of having several outlets/paths going out of your building, trained personnel, and all the software. so the benefits are substantial.


Desktop Virtualization

Desktop Virtualization is the concept of separating a desktop environment from the physical hardware or client that is used to access it. Often allowing organizations to use cheaper resources as the display client because actual computing is being done on a high-density server resource. This allows lower-end clients to be used for longer periods of time.


Business Continuity

Nearly every telecommunications service will at some point experience downtime, necessitating a discussion of Business Continuity solutions. The potential impact of such downtime is an essential consideration in any solution design process. If the minimal impact is expected; then lower-cost, potentially less-reliable solutions may be considered. If a significant impact is expected or has been previously experienced, then premium quality, potentially-complex uptime solutions must be considered to ensure business continuity.


Disaster Recovery

Many businesses have an incorrect understanding of what Backup & Data Disaster Recovery is. Data Backup is the act of copying and preserving your data in case of theft, fire, or any other natural disaster. Data Disaster Recovery is an action plan on how to restore and integrate that data back into your working systems, minimizing as many negative effects as possible to the company.